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Exercising Values


Active Parents Create Active Children children education exercise family life fitness goals habits inspiration parenting selfcare sports support

First and foremost in teaching physical education, we want our children to learn to love exercise. Once we have taught them a new skill, exercise or movement, it will take repeating it about 10,000 times before it becomes a habit that they can do with ease. So enjoy the moment and realize...

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Moms, Media, Mayhem, and Future Reward character children education family life fun habits inspiration mental health parenting time management values working moms

Today's parents are not the first to grapple with media use but they are the first ones to deal with the massive increase in media availability. It's not just a TV in one room in the house anymore. By age three, one third of children in the U.S. have a television in their room. Videos can be...

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Parenting: The Great Uniter family life inspiration parenting selfcare support working moms

Parenting is the great uniter. We share so many of the same hopes, dreams, frustrations and deep satisfactions. It amazes me to think how unifying the concerns of parenthood can be. Recently, I was watching  KCPT where Charlie Rose was doing a couple back to back interviews. The first...

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Making Wise Choices as Time Flies character education exercise family life fitness fun holidays inspiration nutrition parenting time management values

As another year comes to an end, it is customary to reflect on how we want to improve our lives in the new year. Life goes better when we live intentionally rather than being pulled by whatever a day happens to bring. Making strategic choices about our health, friendships and work help us to...

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3 Questions to Ask about your Child's Development character children diet exercise family life fitness fun goals inspiration nutrition parenting time management values working moms

We're busy people with lots of responsibilities. Among all those activities that capture our time and attention, parenting is the one job we all want to get right. It deserves our time and attention so let us take a few moments to reflect on the kind of people our children are becoming. Here are...

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